EMI vill klippa á tengsl við RIAA/IFPI


RECORD label EMI has woken up to the fact that the RIAA and IFPI is making it about as popular as the Boston Strangler.

According to Reuters, the hawker of popular beat recordings wants to cut its funding to the RIAA and IFPI.  The two organisations have been spending a fortune threatening students who use p2p software with court action unless they pay extortionate fines.  But a source inside EMI said the record label, which was recently taken over by a private equity group Terra Firma, was looking at ways to "substantially" reduce the amount it pays trade groups.  Terra Firma is reorganising EMI in a bid to make the outfit more profitable as CD sales have fallen. It seems that the new blood does not think paying large amounts of money to the RIAA and IFPI is a good investment.

The four major record labels EMI, Warner, Sony BMG and Universal each give these anti-piracy groups about $132.1 million each.  The others have not said if they will be reducing the amount of money they are giving to the RIAA and IFPI. 

Reuters says the IFPI was looking at ways it could tighten its belt.


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